Finding the ideal credit card may change the course of your financial life in the changing world of credit cards. As their name implies, lifetime free credit cards have no annual fees, which appeals to many people. We’ll present you to some of the top lifetime free credit cards that will be offered in India in 2023 in this post, catering to both new and experienced consumers.
What Are Lifetime Free Credit Cards?
Lifetime-free credit cards are under the category of credit cards that don’t charge yearly fees to cardholders. These cards are a great option for individuals who wish to take use of credit card features without paying additional fees because they provide a number of advantages without the burden of recurring payments.
IDFC FIRST Classic Credit Card
Key Highlights:
Zero annual fees
Welcome benefits: Welcome voucher of Rs. 500 on spending Rs. 15,000 or more within 90 days.
Fuel surcharge waiver
The IDFC FIRST Classic Credit Card is an excellent choice for those looking for a lifetime free credit card. It gives a range of benefits, including attractive welcome rewards and fuel surcharge waivers. With no annual fees, it’s a cost-effective option for everyday expenses.
AU Bank LIT Credit Card
Key Highlights:
No annual fee
Discounts on dining, movie, travel, shopping and fuel
Reward points on every spend
The AU Bank LIT Credit Card is another top pick among lifetime free credit cards. Cardholders can enjoy dining, movies, travel, shopping and fuel discounts, making it a great companion for foodies and commuters. Plus, you earn reward points on every transaction, enhancing the value of your card.
Shoppers Stop HDFC Bank Credit Card
Key Highlights:
Lifetime free card
Shoppers Stop vouchers as welcome gift
Reward points on Shoppers Stop purchases
If you’re a frequent shopper, the Shoppers Stop HDFC Bank Credit Card could be your ideal choice. This card does not have any annual fees and provides Shoppers Stop vouchers as a welcome gift. Additionally, you earn reward points on your purchases at Shoppers Stop, adding to your savings.
Amazon Pay ICICI Bank Credit Card
Key Highlights:
No annual charges
Cashback on Amazon and partner merchants
Rewards on every spend
For avid online shoppers, the Amazon Pay ICICI Bank Credit Card is a great fit. It offers cashback on Amazon and partner merchant purchases, making it highly rewarding. With no annual fees, it’s a cost-effective choice for those who love shopping online.
HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card
Key Highlights:
Lifetime free card
Dining, shopping, and travel benefits
Fuel surcharge waiver
This credit card is a versatile option that comes with no annual fees. It offers a range of benefits, including dining, shopping, and travel privileges. Additionally, cardholders can enjoy a fuel surcharge waiver, further enhancing the card’s value.
Lifetime free credit cards in India in 2023 are a fantastic choice for those who want to enjoy the perks of credit cards without the burden of annual fees. Among the top picks are the IDFC FIRST Classic Credit Card, AU Bank LIT Credit Card, Shoppers Stop HDFC Bank Credit Card, Amazon Pay ICICI Bank Credit Card, and HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card. Each of these cards offers unique benefits, catering to different spending preferences.